【Our Native Land】Perak Stories: Promo
A year later, Our Native Land continues its journey from Johor to Perak as host Owen Yap reveals how Chinese from all backgrounds have built their lives and cultural histories in Malaysia over the years. Perpetual Memorial Park is once again partnering with The Interview to produce the cultural programme "Our Native Land Season 2 - Perak", which will be officially launched on Monday, 4 March 2024.
The first season of Our Native Land kicked off with a lively chingay from Johor Ancient Temple, followed by the origin stories of the five clans in Johor, which was well received with over 700,000 views. The second season will move to Perak, another state with a rich Chinese cultural heritage, to introduce viewers to the unique lifestyles of the Hakka, Guangfu, Fujian, Fuzhou, Teo Chew and Guangxi.